03.2008 |
Roundup Bookshelf Speakers value from 50 000 to 74 000 rubles.
ELAC - it's quality, technology, authenticity and constant development, with the distant 1926, and to this day. Made by hand (so to fine-manufacturing operations, such as the folded foil JET III tweeters) and with the help of modern robots, the acoustics are always innovative and unusual.
ELAC BS 244 (50000 rub.) |
Lentochnik famous Jet III is a modification of the radiator heylovskogo AMT own production ELAC. The manufacturing process of the dynamics is divided into two parts: the first with a microscope by hand to the precise laying fine foil to fold as small as 0.84 mm, and then received "accordion" is attached to the base of the dynamics of an industrial robot manipulator. Cones bass / midrange radiators usual for a company such as "two-layer sandwich" are different from previous versions of its outer surface made of aluminum with an oriented crystal structure (crystal). For a better damping aluminum foil is attached not only to the paper cone, but also directly on the voice coil. Pretty heavy shell made from MDF and have a rectangular shape. The back of the tweeter level is a major port neck reflex, outgoing almost to the end depth. Below him - two pairs of terminals with widely spaced terminals; bivayringovye jumper electrically insulated to prevent contact of the cable shovels. Design-tech speakers, but nice.
ELAC BS 244 have pronounced interesting character. Their response to classical music seems a little cold, very clear and precise, with high detail and resolution. At the same handwriting acoustics are not peculiar passion or sensuality, but rather, the sound of a few low-key and smooth, in a kind of aristocratic manner. The only significant complaint about the voices belongs to the violins and the viola part - they are a bit lightweight and smooth, without roughness of living. In the remaining natural tone specificity ELAC BS 244 is almost imperceptible. Juicy and effectively presented a large body with a decent texture and clarity of the pedals, poslezvuchiyami thin in the middle and high frequencies. Disadvantages can be noted from the elements marked compression and eating of gradations of volume in acute moments of dramatic large-scale works, chorus and orchestra just lose definition, forte - fullness and cogency, and in general would not hurt to add a bit of an attack.
Full length ELAC BS 244 deployed in today's musical material, from the calm and audiophile recordings Diana Krall and the mysterious Dead Can Dance to the most extreme metal. Completely different drummers with a markedly different style of playing and miking, tasty guitars and tight vocal voices megaemotsionalnye leave an excellent impression. Acoustics is clearly sympathetic to heavy music, she acts out her perfect, with the necessary clarity and swiftness, but at the same time with the massiveness and the viscosity, where necessary, and absolutely everywhere in nature. However, equally clearly, it plays a calm and gentle vocals.
The results of measurements
Frequency response behaves remarkably during the entire band of operating frequencies. The uniformity and the imbalance in this system - the very best in our collection. At low frequencies the model more closely resembles napolnik. The decline of -3 dB is observed only at 55 Hz, and the level of -10 dB corresponds to a frequency 41 Hz. |
Completes the picture of a very stable for the most part impedance. Its average value is 7.2 ohms, and at least does not drop below 3.4 ohms, and taking into account the value of the phase is not dangerous. |
Harmonic distortion in this region have been slow to grow, remaining at an acceptable level to 50 Hz. At frequencies above 100 Hz THD low and stable. The exception is the area of high octave HF, where there is a slight increase in this indicator. According to this model parameter is also one of the best in the test. |
Passport details:
Title - ELAC BS 244 | Frequency Response, Hz - 38-50 000 (Level A) | Number of ways - 2 (LF / MF - 18 cm, aluminum-paper sandwich, HF - Belt JET III; frequency section 2600 Hz) | Acoustic - phase inverter | Resistance, Ohm - 4 (minimum 3,5) | Sensitivity, dB - 88 | Size one column, cm - 33 x 20 x 28,2 | weight of one column, kg - 8.5
Design - 90%
Workmanship - 95%
Sound - 90%
Ergonomics - 90%
The final score - 90%
► Pros: rapid and rhythmic sound, excellent resolution at high frequencies, juicy and tight bass
► Cons: a little softened by the attack, some smooth sounds
Speakers with a detailed, stylish and coldish handwriting. Classical music plays a bit of restraint, although proportionally balanced and tonally. A modern genres, including the most severe and extreme, just work out brilliantly
Other products in the test: Audio Physic Step, Totem Acoustic Rainmaker, PMC DB1i, Focal-JMLab Profile 908 |